Leslie Kennedy


Leslie passed away on Wednesday December 23, 2020 late in the afternoon. Some number of months prior she was involved in an accident that caused an injury to her brain. Surgery was performed in August. Her recovery was not good and she left us in December.

Leslie was raised on a family sod farm in Belton, MO and spent much of her life as co-proprietor of the farm with her father George Smith (rip). She became one of the leading authorities on zoysia grass in the nation. Leslie achieved a Master's Degree in psychology from the University of Missouri Kansas City and did Doctoral work at the University of Colorado.

Leslie is survived by her loving son Max and her close friend and ex husband Bill. Leslie was a loving mother and always enjoyed taking Max to sporting events of all of the Denver and Kansas City teams. Max will wear a gold plated cross urn so that his mother is always with him as he pursues his music career. Leslie always loved Max's music and always wanted to hear his new songs. She attended many of his performances in the Denver area.

Due to COVID a memorial service will not be held at this time. Later in 2021 when the weather is nice an Irish wake will be held in the foothills at the residence of Max and Bill. Her memorial is set up in the residence on the piano that her father George bought for Max when Max was young. Invitations will be sent via email or text and may be forwarded freely.

Maquel Ismail